The S1 system allows you to replicate logical volumes to other S1 systems, providing maximum flexibility to manage your data in any way you choose.
To replicate logical volumes, select Replications .
Listing replicated Logical Volumes.
To display a table list of replicated logical volumes, select List from the top menu.
- Application: To filter the table by specifying an application name.
- Volume: To filter the table by specifying a logical volume.
- Filter Secondary: To view only secondary logical volumes.
- Filter Primary: To view only primary logical volumes.
- Submit: To display the table using the settings.
The table of logical volume replications also supports on-the-fly filtering operations.
Replicating a logical volume
To replicate a logical volume, select Start from the top menu. The source system refers to the S1 system that contains the logical volume to be replicated. The target system refers to the S1 system where the logical volume from the source system will be replicated.
- Application: To select the application instance containing the volume that is to be replicated.
- Volume: To select a logical volume for replication.
- Target System: Select the target system that the logical volume will be replicated to.
- Target Floating IP: To select a floating IP from the target system.
- Source Floating IP: To select a floating IP from the source system.
- Synchronous: To select synchronous replication.
- Semisynchronous: To select semi-synchronous replication.
- Asynchronous: To select asynchronous replication.
- Force: To perform the replication without prompting for approval.
- Submit: To start the replication.
Refresh replication connection
To refresh the replication connection, select Refresh from the top menu.
- Application: To perform connection refresh only on the selected application instance.
- Volume: To select connection refresh only on the selected logical volume.
- Reconnect: When checked, the system will disconnect from the application link and reconnect to it again.
- Submit: To apply settings.
Editing a replicated pair
To edit a replicated logical volume, select Edit from the top menu.
- Application: To select the application instance containing the logical volume that its replication is to be edit.
- Volume: To select a logical volume for edit its replication.
- Target System: Select the target system that the logical volume is replicated from.
- Target Floating IP: To select a floating IP from the target system.
- Source Floating IP: To select a floating IP from the source system.
- Synchronous: To select synchronous replication.
- Semisynchronous: To select semi-synchronous replication.
- Asynchronous: To select asynchronous replication.
- Force: To perform the replication without prompting for approval.
- Submit: To apply settings.
Promoting secondary volume to primary state
To promote secondary logical volume to primary state, select Prime from the top menu.
- Application: To select the application instance containing the secondary logical volume that will be promoted.
- Volume: To select a secondary logical volume that will be promoted.
- CGIDs: To promote specific consistency group by its ID.
- All Secondary volumes: To promote all secondary logical volumes to primary.
- Force: To allow the logical volume to be promoted even when the replication link is disconnected.
- Floating IPs To Transition: To select floating IPs from the source system. All logical volumes from the selected floating IPs will be promoted to primary.
- Transition All Floating Ips: When selected, logical volumes that comes from all the floating IPs in the source system will be promoted to primary.
- Submit: To promote logical volumes to primary using the settings.
Stopping volume replication
To stop the replication of the logical volume, select Stop from the top menu.
- Application: To select the application instance containing the logical volumes that its replication is to be stopped.
- Volume: To select a logical volume for stopping its replication.
- Target System: To select the target system that the logical volume is replicated from.
- Allow on Disconnected: When checked, allow the replication of logical volume to be stopped even when the replication link is disconnected.
- Force: To force the stop of the replication even if the target system is not found.
- Submit: To stop replications using the settings.
Replication Floating IPs
Logical volumes are replicated between S1 systems through the use of floating IPs. Before replicating logical volume from one S1 system to another, you need to create and configure at least one replication floating IP.
To manage and configure floating IPs for logical volumes replication, select Floatingips from the side menu.
Listing replication floating IPs
To display a table list of replication floating IPs, select List from the top menu.
- Name: To filter the table by specifying a floating IP name.
- IP: To filter the table by specifying an IP address.
- Submit: To display the table using the settings.
The table of replications floating IPs also supports on-the-fly filtering operations.
Creating replication floating IPs
To create a replication floating IP, select Create from the top menu.
- Name: Enter a name of your choice for the replication floating IP.
- Address: The IP address of the target system, where the logical volumes will be replicated. Enter an IP for each of the nodes.
- Mask: To enter the sub-net mask of the replication floating IP.
- Gateway: To enter the gateway of the replication floating IP.
- Submit: To create the replication floating IP using the settings.
Editing replication floating IPs
To edit a replication floating IP, select Edit from the top menu.
- Name: To enter the name of the replication floating IP that will be edit.
- Newname: To rename the replication floating IIP.
- Force: To ignore the validation of floating IIP.
- Address: The IP address of the target system, where the logical volumes will be replicated. Enter an IP for each of the nodes.
- Mask: To enter the sub-net mask of the replication floating IP.
- Gateway: To enter the gateway of the replication floating IP.
- Submit: To apply editing by using the settings.
Deleting replication floating IPs
To delete a replication floating IP, select Delete from the top menu. Use the Name drop-down list to select a floating IP and Submit to delete it.