

Two-node cluster

The S1 system consists of a two-node cluster. The nodes are servers with high availability (HA) connection. S1 is a complete operating system that manages the node servers and their peripherals. Each node has its own internal storage where the S1 operating system resides.

Nodes are responsible for managing and running the disk enclosure. Users interact with the S1 system using either the CLI or the GUI. Typically each CLI or GUI session establishes a simultaneous direct connection with both nodes.

Direct communication with a node is called an optimized communication path. Failed optimized connection with one node, for instance node A, may result in a non-optimized connection with this node. Namely, communication with the node goes through the direct connection path of the other node (node B) and the HA interconnection that connects the two nodes. When the direct connection with node A returns, the connection path with node A will go through the optimized path.

List all nodes

To display all S1 nodes, use the command nodes list.


nodes list [--sensors] [--gateway] [--vols] [--ip] [--sed]


Options and arguments Description
--sensors Display information on sensors.
--gateway Display information on the IQNs (iSCSI qualified names) and WWNs (world wide names) of the nodes.
--vols Display a list of volumes served by each of the nodes.
--ip Display IP information for each of the nodes.
--sed Display information about self-encrypting drive (SED) password.


  1. To list of all nodes, run nodes list
  2. To list nodes with additional information on hardware sensors, run nodes list --sensors
  3. To list nodes with additional information on sensors and the volumes on each of the nodes, run nodes list --sensors --volumes

Connected nodes

To list all connected nodes, use the nodes sessions command. If there is a problem with one of the nodes or it is out of reach, then this node won’t appear in the list.


nodes sessions [--node=<node_name>]


Options and arguments Description
--node=<node_name> Filter results by node name.


  1. To list of all connected nodes, run nodes sessions
  2. To check whether node s1-6021 is connected, run nodes sessions --node s1-6021

Manual failover

To instruct one of the nodes to take over all volumes of the other node, use the nodes takeover command. You must specify the name of the node that will take over all the volumes. Upon successful execution of this command, the high availability (HA) state of the takeover node will change to All while the state of the other node will change to None.


nodes takeover --node=<name> [--force]


Options and arguments Description
--node=<node_name> Specify the name of the node that will takeover. Replace <node_name> with the name of the node.
--force Force the failover operation.


  1. To instruct node s1-6021 to take over all volumes of the other node, run nodes takeover --node s1-6021
  2. To force node s1-6021 to takeover all volumes of the other node, run nodes takeover --node s1-6021 --force

Manual failback

To balance the number of volumes between the nodes, use the command nodes giveback.


nodes giveback [--force]


Options and arguments Description
--force force the manual failback operation.


  1. To balance the number of volumes between the nodes, run nodes giveback
  2. To force balance between nodes, run nodes giveback --force

Disable a node

To disable one of the nodes, use the nodes support tunnel disable command. Upon successful execution of this command, all volumes served by the disabled node will be served by the other (functioning) node.


nodes support tunnel disable --node=<n_name>


Options and arguments Description
--node=<n_name> Specify which node to disable, replace <n_name> with the name of the node that you want to disable.


  1. To disable node s1-6021, run nodes support tunnel disable --node s1-6021

Enable a node

To enable a node, use the node support tunnel enable command. Enabling a node won’t return the its previously served volumes, for this to happen you need to run the nodes giveback command.


nodes support tunnel enable --node=<n_name>


Options and arguments Description
--node=<n_name> Specify which node to enable, replace <n_name> with the name of the node that you want to enable.


  1. To enable node name s1-6021, run

    nodes support tunnel enable --node s1-6021

Status information for support tunnel

To get status information for the support tunnel, including functioning nodes and volume load-balance information, use the nodes support tunnel status command.


nodes support tunnel status


This command has no options.


  1. To get status information on all nodes, run nodes support tunnel status
Last updated on 15 Nov 2022
Published on 30 Oct 2022