
Basic commands

The S1 Command-Line Interface (CLI) provides five fundamental commands that allow users to manage and control the CLI itself.

Exit the CLI

To go back to your terminal and exit the CLI, use the command exit.


  1. If you run S1 CLI from your terminal and you want to go back to your terminal, run
  2. If you run S1 CLI by double clicking, then you can close it by running exit


To logout from the remote connection, use the logout command.


  1. Assuming that you log into an S1 system on IP and you want to log into another S1 system on IP, run
    logout The S1 CLI logs out from IP connection and prompt you for another “Relay Name/IP Address:”. Enter and complete the login process by entering your username and password.


To display S1 CLI version, use the version command.


  1. Display S1 CLI version: version


To synchronize between the S1 CLI and the S1 system, run the refresh command. This command is helpful when the S1 system is accessed simultaneously by multiple S1-CLI users. For example, when two different S1-CLI clients connect to the same S1 system, command outcomes that one user runs won’t appear to the other user. However, if one of the users runs the refresh command, then the S1 system synchronizes all the users. As a result, S1 will provide the same synchronized interface for all users.


  1. Suppose users A and B are logged simultaneously to the same S1 system using S1-CLI clients. Assume that user A creates a volume named RH. Unlike user A, user B does not see this volume.
    • If user A runs the command refresh then both users are synchronized with the S1 system and user B can see the volume RH.
    • If user B runs the command refresh then both users are synchronized with the S1 system and user B can see volume RH.

Clear the screen

To clear the S1 CLI screen, use the clear command.


To clear the S1 CLI screen, run clear

Last updated on 15 Nov 2022
Published on 30 Oct 2022