

A logical volume provides storage; we can apply this storage in different ways. For example, you may use logical volume to create block-level, object-level, or file-level storage.

Adding filesystems

Filesystems required for NAS and Object storage.
To add filesystems for volumes, use the applications filesystems add command.


applications filesystems add --application=<name> --volumes=<name…> [--profile=<name>] [--addReplicationMetadata]


  1. Each volume has only one filesystem.
  2. If you list n volumes, the applications filesystems add command creates n different filesystems, one for each volume.


Options and arguments Description
--application=<name> Specify the name of the application instance containing the volumes that you want to create a file system for; replace <name> with the name of the app instance.
--volumes=<name…> Specify the name of the volumes where you want to add the filesystems. Replace <name…> with a list of already existing volumes.
--profile=<name> To specify the profile mode for the file system. Replace <name> with either ordered or journal.
--addReplicationMetadata To add replication metadata to the filesystems. This option prevents disruptions when starting replication.


  1. To create three new filesystems on volumes vol1, vol2, and vol3 ( all mapped to application instance sales) with profile ordered, run:

    applications filesystem create --application sales --volumes vol1 vol2 vol3 --profile ordered
  2. To create three new filesystem on volumes vol1, vol2, and vol3 ( all mapped to application instance sales) with profile journal and with replication metadata on the filesystems, run:

    applications filesystem create --application sales --volumes vol1 vol2 vol3 --profile ordered --addReplicationMetadata

List filesystems

To list filesystem information of volume(s), use the applications filesystems list command.


applications filesystems list [--application=<name> --volume=<name>]


Options and arguments Description
--application=<name> To specify the application instance of the volume, replace name with the name of the app instance.
--volume=<name> To specify the volume name, the command will list all the filesystems in the specified volume. Replace <name> with the name of the volume.


  1. To list filesystem information of all application instances and volumes, run:
    applications filesystems list 
  2. To list filesystem information of all volumes in application instance sales, run:
    applications filesystems list --application sales
  3. To list filesystem information of volume pricing mapped to application instance sales, run:
    applications filesystems list --application sales --volume pricing

Edit a filesystem

To add replication metadata to volumes that contain filesystems, use the applications filesystems edit command.

Notice: You can only add replication data to a volume that contains a filesystem. Adding replication data to a volume is immutable. Once you add replication metadata to a volume, you cannot remove it.


applications filesystems edit --application=<name> --volume=<name> --addReplicationMetadata [--force]


Options and arguments Description
--application=<name> Specify the name of application instance; replace <name> with the name of the app instance.
--volumes=<name> Specify the name of the volume; where the filesystem exists. Replace <name> with the name of the volume.
--addReplicationMetadata Add replication metadata to a filesystem. This option prevents disruptions when starting replication.
--force To avoid prompting for approval.


  1. To add replication metadata to a filesystem on volume vol1, where vol1 is on application instance sales; run:

    applications filesystem edit --application sales --volumes vol1  --addReplicationMetadata

Discard unused blocks

To discard (“trim”) blocks (not used by the filesystem), use the applications filesystems fstrim run command. This command requires a volume option; it “trims” all the filesystems on the specified volume.


applications filesystems fstrim run --application=<name> --volume=<vol_name>


Options and arguments Description
--application=<name> Specify the name of application instance; replace <name> with the name of the app instance.
--volume=<vol_name> Specify the name of the volume. All filesystems on this volume will be “trimmed”; replace <vol_name> with the name of the volume you want to trim.


  1. To trim a volume vol1 mapped to application instance sales, run

    applications filesystems fstrim run --application sales --volume vol1

Check filesystems trimming status

To check filesystem trimming status, use the applications filesystems fstrim status command.


applications filesystems fstrim status [--application=<name> --volume=<vol_name>]


Options and arguments Description
--application=<name> To specify the name of application instance, replace <name> with the name of the app instance.
--volume=<vol_name> To check the trimming status of filesystems in the specified volume, replace <vol_name> with the name of the volume that you want to trim.


  1. To check the trimming status of all filesystems in all the application instances and volumes, run:

    applications filesystems fstrim status 
  2. To check the trimming status of all filesystems on volume vol1 mapped to application instance sales; run:

    applications filesystems fstrim status --application sales --volume vol1
Last updated on 27 Nov 2022
Published on 23 Nov 2022